지난 몇 년간 빠른 성장세를 보이던 홈에너지관리 시장은 더욱 탄력을 받기 시작했다. 제품 벤더, 유틸리티 업체, 서비스 제공기업, 소매업체 및 기타 이해관계자들의 움직임이 활발해지고 일반 소비자들 가운데 새로운 툴이 홈에너지 소비를 관리하고 조절하는데 탁월하다는 인식이 증가하고 있다.

Home Energy Management Navigant Research
Home Energy Management Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2013-2023

Navigant Research에 따르면 홈에너지관리 제품 및 서비스 매출은 2013년 약 5억 8,690만 달러에서 2023년 24억 달러에 이를 것으로 전망된다.

Navigant research의 수석연구원 Neil Strother는 “홈에너지관리 시장은 2014년 1월 구글이 네스트랩을 32억 달러에 인수했을 때 충격을 받았다. 기업들이 신규 제품을 출시하고 대형 소매업체들이 새롭고 고객 친화적인 패키지 및 제품을 제공함에 따라 이 분야는 2015년에 상당한 성장이 예상된다.”고 밝혔다.

활발한 홈에너지관리 기업으로는 금년 지오펜싱(Geofencing) 기술이 탑재된 Lyric 스마트 자동온도조절장치를 소개한 하니웰등이 있다. 자동온도조절장치 제조사인 캐리어와 세이바에너지는 유틸리티 업체가 수요 반응 및 에너지 효율 프로그램을 효율적으로 활용할 수 있도록 하는 솔루션을 공동 제공하는 파트너쉽을 맺었다. 또한 오파워는 분석능력이 향상되고 유틸리티 고객들에게 오픈 에코시스템을 제공하는 최신 버전의 고객 참여 플랫폼을 출시했다.

파워일렉트로닉스 매거진 오승모 기자 oseam@icnweb.co.kr



Home Energy Management Navigant Research

The market for home energy management (HEM) products and services is gathering momentum. Product vendors, utilities, service providers, retailers, and other stakeholders report increasing activity in this space. There are also signs of growing awareness among consumers that new tools are available to help them better manage and control their home energy consumption. Though still in the early phase of market growth, stakeholders have noticed greater business activity compared to just a year ago. In addition, they are pointing to next year as the potential start of a pivotal growth period.

The HEM market got a boost when Google acquired Nest Labs in January 2014, sending a signal to other players that it was time to reconsider the opportunities. Honeywell has also been active, announcing its Lyric smart thermostat with geofencing capability in June 2014. Meanwhile, retailers like Best Buy, Staples, and Lowe’s have been marketing products that feature energy management as part of their solutions. In Great Britain, energy service provider British Gas has signed up more than 100,000 customers in a little more than a year for its Hive smart heating system. According to Navigant Research, global revenue attributed to HEM products and services is expected to grow from $586.9 million in 2013 to $2.4 billion in 2023.

“The HEM market got a jolt when Google purchased Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in January 2014, signaling to the market that a major technology company saw value in home energy and automation,” says Neil Strother, principal research analyst with Navigant Research. “This sector is poised for significant growth in 2015, as vendors release new products and large retailers offer new, customer-friendly packages and products.”

This Navigant Research report examines regional and global HEM trends, with an emphasis on products and services along a continuum of five segments: paper bills, web portals, standalone HEM systems, in-home displays (IHDs), and networked HEM systems. The study examines the key drivers and inhibitors affecting the market and delves into the major technology issues. Global HEM market forecasts, broken out by segment and world region, extend through 2023.



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